Health And Wellness Articles Introduction

Never before has the importance of health tips and wellness been so much in popular media and culture. Gone are the days of supersizing meals and ignorance about heart disease. Obesity that existed for 2 generations is now public enemy no.1. More and more, steps are being taken to get rid of junk food in schools to make way for low fat, low calorie food which surprisingly doesn't necessarily translate into higher cost for schools.

Parents and people in general recognize that obeisty is a disease that has lost control and grown in epic proportions to the point that over 70 percent of Americans are obese. Any wonder then, that the weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar one with wave after wave of weight loss diets aimed at tapping the huge market of obese people looking to slim down to healthier and fitter bodies.

Here, you will find articles and resources for different aspects of eating healthy and staying healthy. You will also find tips on personal grooming and looking good. Health and beauty need not be mutally exclusive. The health and beauty tips articles will hopefully help create a healthy and wellness lifestyle that you can adapt and grow into a daily routine.

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