Red Wine Resveratrol Extract Supplement

I'm sure you've heard of red wine resveratrol extract supplements and its health benefits. So what is resveratrol? It is a naturally occurring anti-oxidant found in many plants, one of which the grapes used to make red wine. It is also found in peanuts and cacao, a key ingredient in chocolate. It is produced by the plants as a response to various stresses such as infection, injury, or ultraviolet radiation. It has also been produced by chemical synthesis.Recently, the CBS show 60 minutes and an episode of Oprah's Life Extension discussed the possible medical benefits of using Red wine resveratrol extract supplements.It has recently been touted as a great way to increase weight loss. and burn calories and fat. There has been additional research on its effects of Alzheimers disease. Its use as a possible anti-aging agent is gaining popularity as well. These are in addition to its beneficial effects on the heart and blood vessels.

The current drawback is that you have to drink a "moderate" amount of wine daily to receive the benefits. Fortunately, there are more and more resveratrol supplements coming onto the market. Resveratrol pills are an easy and economical way to add resveratrol to your daily diet. Resveratrol is a fat soluble antioxidant which helps in preventing the damage caused by the free radicals. Scientists have discovered that this compound also posses some great anti inflammatory and anti coagulating properties.While the anti-inflammatory properties prevent the diseases caused due to inflammation, the anti coagulating properties help in preventing the plaque formation and the subsequent hardening of the arteries.

The only way to obtain a consistent amount of red wine resveratrol extract supplements daily is to take a standardized extract. Getting resveratrol through wine is not consistent in America because the amount in a glass of wine depends on many factors, if whether the grapes were grown organically and how the wine was made. If the grapes were sprayed with pesticides then the wine contains little, if any. Wine grown in dry climates have less resveratrol than those grown in humid climates. Organic red wines from certain areas of EUROPE contain the highest levels. But most wines only contain very little, less than a milligram of resveratrol per glass. One would have to drink at least three bottles of red wine a day to experience the effects of the extract. It has been discovered that certain enzymes help in enhancing the carcinogenic properties of certain harmful products that enter the body. Red wine resveratrol extract supplements helps in preventing these enzymes from metabolizing these substances and protects us against cancers. It also aids in repairing the DNA cells which can become cancerous and multiply indiscriminately in the body. When these cells multiply into tumors, they have to have their own blood supply to multiply. It's seen that the regular intake does not allow these processes to occur since it helps in preventing the inflammation and the multiplication of these cells. Mega dosages, those larger than 500 mgs per day are now not thought of as necessary. Honestly, using this much can unfortunately lead to dangerous results on your well being. Specifically, over stimulation of the SIRT-1 genetic material can result in serious heart conditions. Less terrible symptoms include anxiety, tendonitis and anemia. Using too much of any substance can be dangerous to your body. You would actually kill yourself by ingesting too much fluids! Knowing this, the safer behavior, with any food, or red wine resveratrol extract supplements or any other type of compound is to use a moderate plan.

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